Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Salt Lake City, UT -to- Moab, UT

We stayed near Salt Lake City for a few nights and went to Moab today, for a few days before Denver.

The site at Salt Lake City, pug access trails were constructed shortly after arrival. 

Maxie cat-perched, to survey the area

Refinery Row, and Salt Lake City in the background

Downtown Salt Lake City

The largest Mormon Temple

The Utah Jazz's stadium 

Monday Night Football at Iggy's downtown, they did it up right

The Salt Refinery at the Great Salt Lake

Some weird place at the edge of the Salt Lake

A path down to the Salt Lake, it smelled wretched 

The Salt Lake, the largest natural lake west of the Mississippi

No fish live in the Salt Lake (it's too salty)

Brine Shrimp and Brine flies live in and on the lake.

Brine flies look like gnats, allegedly they do not land on or bite humans.  They eat the algae that floats on the surface and on the tidal mud flats

A plane landing at the Salt Lake City air port

Sunset at the camp site

On the way to Moab, through the high plans and ranges, higher than Denver by about 1000'.

Almost in Moab

Mars or Moab

Moab bunny

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