Sunday, June 7, 2015

Salem, OR -to- Crater Lake, OR

New Jeep packed up and ready go - so much luggage for 2 people and a pug!
Jeep top off and we are ready to roll to Crater Lake
Max is just fine with his high perch on the back seat

We started at 181 miles and finished the road trip at over 2,400 miles

Diamond Lake

Going into the mountains of central Oregon

With no RV, rest stops were common

Snow markers on the side of the road

Established in 1902, Crater Lake National Park is the fifth oldest national park  in the US and the only one in the state of Oregon.

Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the US and is fed by rain and snow (no rivers or streams) - leading to its intense blue color.  It is considered to be the cleanest large body of water in the world.

Crazy that snow is still on the ground

The lake rests inside a caldera formed 7,700 years ago when a 12,000 foot tall volcano collapsed following a major eruption.  Later eruptions formed Wizard Island (seen on the left), a cinder cone near the SW shore.

Look closely and you can see the golden-mantled ground squirrel

The Lake averages more than 5 miles in diameter and is surrounded by steep rock walls that rise up to 2,000 feet above the Lake's surface.

Better shot of Wizard Island

At 1,943 feet deep, Crater Lake is also one of the 10 deepest lakes in the world.

The average snowfall at Crater Lake is 44 feet per year.

Driving along the 33-mile rim guardrails......yikes

Ross said, "Let's drive Penny off road"...then she began to sink into the soft ground.....first use of her 4-wheel drive.

"What??  Snow??"

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