Saturday, October 5, 2013

Portland, OR

The last few days have been rainless but the 10 days before that have been what we thought it would be like out here all the time - rain, clouds, rain, clouds.  Out here when the Sun shines it is called "Sun Breaks."  The Sun is out for a few minutes and then back to clouds and rain.  Most of the rain lately was from Pacific Cyclones.  

The river behind the campground is up about three feet.

Max checking out the high water

Max made a ghost costume out of an old sheet.  Instead of "Boo" he says "Fooood."  It is hilarious and terrifying all at once. 


They still use these out here.  To return pages mostly.  

Sleepy Maxie

At the "Most Authentic" Irish pub in the U.S.  

Strange set up.  One could used them all in one standing.
Enough toilet humor.  

Portland at night.  Aggressive dregs abound. 

Starbucks stays open until 10pm, this one anyway.

Curiosity shops

Some friends from the Beach (Virginia Beach) were in town.  And we visited Voodoo Doughnut before dinner.

The four story rare book shop (there's a basement), although sources advise they did not have the four year old Rand McNally Motorcycle Road Atlas.

 Checking out the Portland Skyline with fellow East Coasters in Portland City Grill

Oregon.  You can't pump your own gas, but you can wash your own dog.

Max wasn't sure what to think of the hair dryer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the props on the blog, had a great time, even if I am dreaming about pink doughnut boxes!
