Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lincoln City, OR -to- Eugene, OR

July 4 week at the Oregon Coast - a beautiful part of the country

Fireworks at Siletz Bay - there were thousands of people lined up all along the shore!  It was COLD - we were wearing jackets, hats, and ear muffs!  Fireworks were supposed to start around 9pm (sunset), but really started at 10:30pm.  Luckily, there were numerous people along the beach that set off their own huge displays while we were waiting.  

Huge kites fly in the sky at Lincoln City, OR

Leaving Lincoln City for Eugene, OR - and back to work after a nice vacation

The Eugene, OR site.  This is a "premier" site according to the RV resort.  Unfortunately with the tree cover comes no satellite reception.  

Ross liked this little flower wagon for some reason.

This lady (behind Ross - with the dog) sat staring at the cotton candy machine on the Bay (the night of the fireworks).  After a few minutes of concentrated speculation, she finally asked the lady operating the cotton candy machine a barrage of questions..."What is that you are making?  How do you get it to be so puffy?  What are you putting in there?"  Ross and I were amazed.  Really?  You've never seen a cotton candy machine before?  Gotta love Oregon-ites.

The cotton candy machine

Unfortunately the lady making the cotton candy didn't really know how to operate the machine.  The finished product looked like a bag of intestines.  And the joke was on us because the cotton candy tasted like terrible old bubble gum.

Lincoln City, OR camp site

Bald Eagle

No rude behavior allowed in a local ice cream shop.

We are getting ready to make our own glass Christmas ornaments at a local glass studio!

Choosing my colors for my glass starfish ornament!

Prepping the molten glass for shaping

A misty morning in Lincoln City, OR

GIANT slugs in Lincoln City, OR - they were approximately half a foot long....gross.  And Maxie tried to eat one.  Double gross.

You can't see from the picture, but the guide in this horse ride tour has no shirt on.  He absolutely thinks he is Fabio.  The horses are standing in the "D" River - aka the "World's Shortest River"

"Cosmic Bingo Night" at the local casino.  We declined to play - too smoky inside.  And not really cosmic, just expensive.

Walking the boys on the beach

Binky didn't do so well in his wheelchair...sand was just too hard to navigate.

The boys splashing around in the shallow end

Ross making his glass ornament at the glass studio in Lincoln City, OR

Gas Station in Lincoln City

Oil Can Harry - Named by Dad, twenty years ago or so

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